B, brother
My english is not so good , yes you have a point ther.
And perhaps we have one explanaition in the difffrent systems of wellfare in our countrys,
here evryone have pension, even if you never work, i can understand the frustraition from your point of wuie,
1969, well in this time i was in US, i dont think if I must be hounest that i read the awake so carefull this times.
I can also tell that perhaps some see me as bad , this peoepl who i use to discuss widh, and tell that we dont now the day, i hav e always bee wery negative to this behind next curve the end is coming, but i CAN ALSO TELL YOU THAT i WAS AN ELDER FROM 1980 TO 2000,
And as young I was servant already 20 years old.
I have respekt fore your oppinon, but if you read the bibel you now this time talk only is quessing,
our CO say in last assambly, think how much wron we hve about 1975.
we can never serve beaucause of some year.
And i have ofcourse put in money to my pension fore at least 15 year, i dont think you can blame JW if you are so uncarefull that you skipp that.
you must take resposibilytie fore your one person, when it comes to this.
thats my point of wuie
have a nice day BB